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I am having my first ever overseas trip with baby Nayely and hubby. No doubts, bringing a baby for trip will be quite challenging. A lot of my friends warn me as well. Furthermore, baby Nayely just 8.5 months old. She might not able to cope with the air pressure when the aero plane boarding and landing. I prepare water for her to drink during that particular time.
Guess what? She has no problem when the flight boarding. She is making some noise when the flight start landing in Suvarnabhumi Airport. Anyhow, she consider good in her condition.
During the day we were back, baby Nayely really cranky. She make so much noise and cry during boarding due to the stewardess do not provide me the water when I request early. Therefore, I believe the air pressure make Nayely feel uncomfortable. By the time we are about landing, baby Nayely crying non-stop for about 15 minutes. She really makes me no patient as no matter what I said she also never listens. The whole neighborhood passenger was helping me to calm her down, but it’s useless. Finally, she cries until she feel enough then only she willing to stop. I was a bit headache on her behavior.
Last, I would say bringing Nayely on tour is not that bad experience. She only gives me problem during the flight boarding and landing. The rest, she really very cooperative for the whole journey.


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