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Time flies, finally I decide to stop breastfed Nayely in her 8 months. At first I thought that it is going to be a thought one as Nayely knows searching my breast. She understands the different between breast milk and formula milk. She likes to be on my breast at least 2 to 3 times a day especially night time. I started reduce a time to feed her on breast everyday. From 3 times to 2 times and from 2 times to 1. Then totally not direct feed her. She is crying especially when she is going to sleep and wish to have breast milk to comfort her emotion. Anyhow, I have to bear with it. Many times I want to let go and let her latch back on my breast but I really need to bear with it if I wish to success.
Baby Nayely is sick in this period of time as she is having her 1st two teethes. I feel guilty, if I still breastfeed her, she won't fall sick at this moment. Anyhow, everything is over, I manage to stop breastfeeding Nayely in 2 weeks time. Now, Nayely is on solid and 3 to 4 times formula milk daily.


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