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Nayely in her 9th Months

I almost forgot to blog about Nayely in her 9th months. It was really a busy months for me. Rushing to close a project and preparing to have my 1st incentive traveling with customer before end of the month, 27 June 2008 to China.
Nayely already has 2 teethes at the bottom. This enable her to bite some fruits like pear, apple and papaya. Besides, she loves High 5 Wheat Bread. She will screaming when see us eating every time. Therefore, in order for me to eat peacefully, I have to prepare some bread for her. She is 9.06KG weight now. Make me a bit taught to carry her now. She eats vege porridge most of the time with Spirulina. I only cook pork porridge or fish porridge during weekend for her.
Besides, she was able to sit and turn to crawl easily. She wants to learn walking now. Thus, she always wants us to hold her 2 arms and walk together with her. Sometimes, she will takes this opportunity to jump when we hold her 2 arms.
Overall, she is a very healthy and adorable baby.


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