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Nayely is 6 Months Old

Time flies, finally I have breastfeed Nayely to 6 months. She is able to start solid food now. In fact, she is keen on starting solid food in 5 months old but I tried to control on her. It's good to let baby start solid on 6 months onwards. I let her try out with food on her 5 months as per my paediatric advise. She really loves fruit.
I bring her to the Hepatitis B 3rd jab recently. She is 8.18kg and 70cm healthy baby. She has start on her baby talk very frequently on some words like "ai mum mum", "pa pa pa", "ma, ma, ma". I am very happy when heard she call "ma, ma". Shall I consider she is able to call me "mama"?
Let's have a look on her gluttonous face while eating fruit.


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