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Baby Nayely is in her 5th month old. She can now sit with minimum support. Anyhow, she does not successful to learn turning yet. She still needs sometime to practice, I guess.
She is 7.99kg now and quite an active baby girl. She always likes to scream loud for attention. Can you imagine that she is screaming until her throat gets swelling and yet she fall sick – fever? Doctor said that she shouldn’t has fever in her 5th months, because her immune system should be quite good as I am breastfeed her until today, but she really have fever one day after she is 5th month old.
Out of a sudden she is sick and this really make me panic. Luckily she recovers right after visit the doctor. My MIL said that she would likes to share some of her angpow money with the doctor after CNY. Hahaha, it might be true also as her body back to normal temperature after visit the doctor. So, to be safe, I just give her 1 time medicine. Today she is an active baby again, don’t forget she still likes to scream loud. I try to control her on this, afraid she fall sick again. Fever really bad, I feel that she loss weight after recover. I hope she stay healthy from now onwards. This is my little wishes, and definitely is all mummies wish.


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