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My Life After Being a Mom

Someday, my friend asks me how my life is after being a mother. I told her, it’s full of fun and excited. Besides, a lot of motherhood knowledge need to be learn, I need to learn be more multitasking. I guess all mother agreed with what I said. I wrote it as summary below.

My time is mainly her time.
Free time only belongs to me when she fall sleep.
She fall sick, I fell pain.
Learn to do 2 things in a time.
One hand carries her, on the other hand eating my meals.
No more watching movie at cinema with hubby.
Enjoy shopping together with baby and hubby during weekend.
Cut down business entertainment after office hour as much as possible.
Think of her during office hour.
Annual leaves are mainly reserve for her activities.

What else? This is what I can think currently. It might be more in the near future. Or you can think any to add in?


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