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Baby Nayely in 2nd Month

After celebrating our Wedding Anniversary, today baby Nayely reaching her 2nd month. She really growth very well by drinking mommy's breast milk. She weight 5.47kg now and her outlook is like michelin baby exactly. So cute!!!

Today is the 1st day I go back to work after 60 days rest at home. I am so excited going back to office. Anyhow, today seems like a boring day as many colleagues is not around. May they started to clear leaves. I am looking forward baby Nayely reaching her 3rd month and that time I will started to on leave until next new year. Looking forward to have holidays soon.


  1. karenyiau said...
    Mummy's milk has sure shown results on nayely, she is such a cutie pie! Share more of her progress & photos ok? **Hugs**
    Glenns said...
    Dear Karen,

    Sure. Thanks a lot.

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