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Short trip to Hatyai

I went to Hatyai for short trip with my customer. This is my first time to Hatyai. I am very excited as I have heard a lot from my customer on its delicious food, especially fresh oyster. Therefore, I really can't wait to taste it by myself. According to my customer, the fresh oyster is very fresh and juicy. It is totally not like what we taste in Malaysia.
Well, we stop for lunch at Sadao. This place is a bit deep inside. I thought my customer drove us to jungle. This place located at the lake side. There are only 2 restaurants located there.
We order fresh oysters (10 pcs), fried glass noodle with crab, Tom Yam Gong and there serve some ulam. A very peaceful place we are having our lunch together with Vella Red Wine we bought at the duty free shop before entering Sadao. It is really a very good meal for us. Total bill end with THB1400 for 5 persons.
After that we continue our journey to Hatyai. Before we are on the way, we buy a pack of roaster pork to eat in the car (Heard that it is a signature dish as well, so shouldn’t miss).
About an hour time, we reach Hatyai. First thing to do is searching for hotel. We manage to find a nice hotel with on RM75 / night. After check in, we went for traditional massage. It only cost RM24 for 2 hours. We feel very fresh after 2 hours relaxing.
We went for our dinner somewhere nearer night market. Again we order some more oysters, fried glass noodle with prawn, grill fish, squid with Thai sauce. Besides, we start to drink cointeau – very nice liquor which we define it as silent killer.
Thereafter, we went to Kiss Channel (pub) to see the performance (dancing & singing). When we left, it’s almost 1am. We have our dessert – Ginko Bird Nest and mussel at the night market. The Ginko Bird Nest only cost at RM4. It is really unbelievable. It’s nearly 3 a.m. when we reach hotel on that day. Really tired and need a good rest. Don’t think we can wake up early the next day.
We went to mountain side to have a pray on the next morning. It is almost noon after we check out. After praying, we went to Lotus Tesco having our lunch and do some shopping. We really do not have much time to shop around for good leather. After Tesco, we are on our journey back to Penang and to KL on the same day. I really miss Hatyai oyster very much, definitely I will go again for it and also shopping for leather.


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