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I heard from old people, we need to do something for baby when they reach 4 months old. Old generation people will cook whole chicken (pak zham kai) and pray. After that, they will use the chicken mouth to touch at baby’s mouth. Modern parent now used to let the 4 months old baby to taste biscuit in order to reduce their slaver. The common use biscuit will be Biscuit Marry. First of all, we string the biscuit together (8-10 pcs) to make it like a necklace, and then tie it to the baby’s neck. After that, both mommy and daddy use the biscuit to wipe from baby’s face (left & right) to the mouth. This is to keep the slaver back to the mouth. Later, mommy and daddy have to break the biscuit into two and eat it.
In order to prevent that, hubby and I also listen to MIL to apply this to baby Nayely. We hope that she won’t drop-out so much slaver to wet her hands and body before she has her teeth. Let’s look Nayely with the biscuit and sit in Bumbo.


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